Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome agent coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has infected more than 63.93 million people and caused the deaths of over 1.49 millions around the world.
The virus is mainly spread through respiratory or aerosol droplets that remain suspended in the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks or breathes. In some cases, these droplets remain on commonly touched (or fomite) surfaces, such as tables, doorknobs, phones, and elevator buttons.
A new study, published in the journal Total environmental science, found that particulate matter (PM) plays a role in providing surfaces for the transmission and interaction of pathogens, enabling the transmission of phomite through deposition. Additionally, PM contributes to the chronic weakening of the immune and respiratory systems, making the virus more potent in countries with higher PM levels.

Background of the study
The current pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented health burden and major economic ramifications around the world.
Many studies have addressed SARS-CoV-2, how it spreads and potential therapeutic targets. However, survival and transmission of the virus from an infected person through air and waterborne channels, including its interactions with surfaces, environmental factors, and chemicals, remain unclear.
Particulate matter (PM) is the sum of all solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. Many of these particles, including dust, pollen, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets, are dangerous.
Researchers aim to determine the role of PM in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, determine gaps in the field, and provide a better understanding of the transmission and survival of the novel coronavirus.
I study
The researchers, who hailed from the CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) in India, looked at relevant studies on the transmission and survival factors of SARS-CoV-2. Studies included meteorology, air pollution, aerosol droplet size, contact with wastewater, inanimate surfaces, and other chemicals.
In addition, the team also studied the chemical makeup of these factors, which can significantly affect SARS-CoV-2 survival and transmission.
Finally, the study highlights potential air and water routes, suggesting the need for further studies on the effects of particulate characteristics on the novel coronavirus. Understanding the link between particulate matter (PM) and SARS-CoV-2 is essential as PM is predominantly found in environmental spaces and surfaces.
The researchers noted the survival and transmission of SARS-CoV-2. They said hospitals and quarantine facilities are high-risk environments for nosocomial transmission. Because of the risk, additional disinfection and prevention measures are needed to reduce cross-infection.
In the community, transmission can often occur through close contact with infected family members or in crowded public places. When the SARS-CoV-2 virus particle is inhaled, the virus’s Spike protein binds to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the cellular gateway for the virus to enter and infiltrate the cell. ACE2 receptors are highly expressed in many parts of the body, including the airways, lungs, intestines, kidneys, and heart.
SARS-CoV-2 transmission mode
SARS-CoV-2 can spread through droplet transmission. Exhaling through sneezing or coughing from an infected person produces respiratory droplets and droplet nuclei, which can travel up to one meter away. On the other hand, airborne particles can travel up to tens of meters in the air.
Additionally, respiratory droplets can evaporate and turn into droplet nuclei. When the virus spreads through the air, aerosols can interact with different components of the air, which can affect its survival.
If aerosols come into contact with a toxic component in the atmosphere, they can inactivate and can no longer transmit the disease. The half-life of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols is believed to be approximately 1.1-1.2 hours.
SARS-CoV-2 can also spread by contact or via transmission. Respiratory droplets exhaled by an infected person settle on nearby fomites. They can be found on surfaces such as tables, floors, doorknobs, and other commonly touched areas. People can come into contact with respiratory droplets by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching their mouth, nose or eyes.
The transmission of the fomite would depend on the characteristics of the surface, influencing the survival of the virus and determining the extent of the spread of the infection.
Fecal transmission is also a potential mode of infection. In a previous study, SARS-CoV-2 was found to be stable in stool at room temperature for a minimum of one to two days and can survive for up to four days in the stools of patients with diarrhea.
Particulate matter and COVID-19
After reviewing several studies, the researchers found that airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is one of its most potent forms of infection. Studies have shown that virus-laden droplet interactions could potentially infect a person in direct contact, but these can be airborne and can travel long distances.
In addition, the ultrafine particles found in ambient air have residence times of days to weeks, allowing transportation into the atmosphere of up to thousands of kilometers. Meanwhile, coarser and larger particles tend to settle more quickly.
The researchers also found that the nuclei of the airborne virus-laden droplets can interact with the particulate matter by absorbing onto the particulate surfaces.
Researchers believe that further particulate and virus studies are needed to understand the impact of PM composition on virus survival.
The team concluded that PM plays a vital role as a surface for the transmission of pathogens. It facilitates the transmission of phomitis and, at the same time, can weaken the immune and respiratory systems, which are common targets of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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