Zhou Xiaochuan: Monetary Policy Should Consider Resource Price Experience Behind Inflation Indicators – Financial News

[ad_1] Zhou Xiaochuan: Monetary policy should take into account the experience of asset prices underlying inflation indicators Author: Duchuan   [ 在中国金融学会会长、央行原行长周小川看来,资产价格不纳入通胀考虑已不行了,怎么纳入还需研究。 ]   [ 传统的通胀度量会面临四个方面的不足和挑战。其中之一,是较少包含资产价格会带来失真,特别是长周期比较的失真。通胀在长期度量上存在问题,特别是资产价格如何反映到生活质量、支出结构上。此外还有长期投资回报应折现入当期通胀的问题。 ] “What kind of standard of living can you buy with a specific income? Is the cost of earning a specific income through work very hard, …

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analysts predict another “boom” in Apple products

[ad_1] According to Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple’s product sales are much better than expected. Last updated on 29/11/2020 at 18:20 With each new release of Apple products (smartphones, tablets, computers …) comes the debate about who will reign among consumers, if the Cupertino company or the rest of the technological universe. …

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