What happened to the PlayStation 5 purchased from Amazon?

[ad_1] Journalist Bex April May, who handed over a deep fryer in place of the PlayStation 5, which Amazon bought, began investigating the incident on behalf of IGN. Speaking to different sources and gathering information, May shared her findings with her followers. Last week with you In a piece of …

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Bolivia’s government announces measures to revive the economy | news

[ad_1] Bolivia’s government will take steps to revive the country’s economy in December and other to prevent a possible coronavirus outbreak, President Luis Arce announced on his Twitter account. READ ALSO: Chileans elect candidates for governors and mayors “With the economic team of Ministers and Vice-ministers we define the new …

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A missing catalyst for blockchain adoption

[ad_2][ad_1] When most people envision the problems solved and industries disrupted by blockchain technology, typical use cases come to mind: global currency, store of value, and even a way to track goods on an immutable ledger. A good starting point for understanding what drives the adoption of new technologies is …

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You can already close deals here!

[ad_1] 29 November 2020 – 18:39 Clock Countdown to Cyber ​​Monday: the bargain hunt continues The Black Friday 2020 it’s history! But if you think the bargain hunt is over, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because it goes on with the Black Friday weekend. Also this weekend Amazon, …

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