The first confrontation between Maia Sandu and Russia. The president of Moldova calls for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

[ad_1] The President-elect of the Republic of Moldova called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria and their replacement by OSCE observers. The Kremlin responded to Maia Sandu’s statements and said that “a change in the status quo in Transnistria could lead to destabilization,” writes the website A …

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Chichester astronaut admits mistaking floating Russian space pee for UFO and reveals how to fart in orbit

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[ad_1] Major Peake became the first official British astronaut to join the crew of the International Space Station in 2015 and during his mission earned a Guinness World Record for fastest marathon in orbit. David Lowndes The University of Portsmouth graduate, who spent six months in space, told The Graham …

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According to central banks, Saudi Arabia’s bilateral digital currency experiment shows the benefits of distributed ledgers

[ad_2][ad_1] Central banks of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have concluded a digital currency (CBDC) pilot project, finding that distributed ledger technology can improve cross-border transactions and meet financial privacy needs in a purely context digital. In a 93-page overview of the “Aber” project, the two central …

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