Replies to the Brexit vote: now it's up to London

[ad_1] The UK vote on the Brexit agreement sparked disappointment in Europe. However, representatives of the EU and member states show little willingness to continue to welcome the United Kingdom. With the rejection of the Treaty on Brexit in the British House of Commons, in the eyes of the President …

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LedgerX launches LXVX, a volatility index for bitcoins

[ad_2][ad_1] by Frank Chaparro 23 hours ago · 2 minutes of reading LedgerX, the cryptocurrency company behind one of the bitcoin derivatives markets in the United States, has announced a new index to keep track of bitcoin price swings, said CEO Paul Chou The block in an interview The so-called …

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Al-Shabaab terrorists attacked the hotel in Kenya | Kenya

[ad_1] The Kenyan Interior Minister told the television that the police had occupied all the affected buildings of the hotel complex and shopping and office complex in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, which was targeted by an attack claimed by the group Islamic extremist Al-Shabaab. But it is not clear …

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Uniunea Europeană SOMEAZĂ Marea Britanie, după eşecul Brexitului: Să îşi clarifice intenţiile cât mai rapid posibil. Timpul este aproape de final – Stiri pe surse

[ad_1] Din 25 mai respectă şi aplică noua politică de protecţie a datelor cu caracter personal şi modificările propuse de Regulamentul (EU) 2016/679. Înainte de a continue navigarea pe Website-ul nostru te rugăm să aloci timpul necesar pentru a citi şi înţelege conţinutul Politicii de Cookie şi al Politicii …

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Litecoin Anniversary and Zwoop's Bankruptcy

[ad_2][ad_1] The hacker who attacked Ethereum Classic gave $ 100 000 back to exchange, Google blacklisted Ethereum, BitTorrent's former manager criticized Tron and other news. Digital money market kept at its lowest level in 2019. Several events that have already influenced the situation in the future took place recently. …

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