Online policy – Vaccination limits the spread of the virus to 70% of the population


Serbia has secured the advance purchase of 1.8 million doses of coronavirus vaccines through the Kovaks system. These will most likely be vaccines produced by “Pfizer-Biontek”, although it has been announced that the state is also negotiating with vaccine manufacturers from Russia and China. So far, no vaccine has gone through the entire process of all three phases of the clinical trials, but some of them are expected to complete that process in the next month, and then begin mass production.

In an interview with “Politika”, Dr. Bojan Trkulja, director of the Association of Innovative Medicines Manufacturers “Inovia”, points out that according to the database of the World Health Organization (WHO), 164 candidate vaccines are currently being preclinical development, 48 candidates for the kovid vaccine 19. Of those 48, in the last, three-trial phase, there are 11 candidates for the vaccine, says Dr Trkulja.

FORaqua is your phasic vaccine knowledge that Serbia will certainly procure? How successful is it?

What we know so far is based on preliminary results published in the previous days showing 90 percent efficacy in subjects who received both doses of the vaccine. For more detailed information, however, we will have to wait until the analysis of the phase three study is published in a professional journal, which we expect will be the case in the near future. is difficult to vaccinate if the correct information is yes this vaccine must be stored at minus 80 degrees Centigrade?

Vaccines, as well as medicines, always require specific conditions to be met during the manufacturing, storage, transport and application process. This is especially important with sophisticated biotechnology products, including the aforementioned vaccine, when one of the most common conditions is the maintenance of the so-called cold chain, which means that the drug or vaccine must be stored at a certain temperature before use. When it comes to the Pfizer vaccine, it is true that it must be stored at a temperature of minus 75 degrees Celsius, plus or minus 15 degrees Celsius, which is sure to be an added challenge when planning vaccination.

For which kovid vaccines in the world I am researching the farthest?

Of the 11 vaccine candidates, there are also those under development in China, Russia, the United States and the European Union. It’s impossible to estimate which of these 11 candidates will be the first to successfully complete phase three studies right now, but it’s realistic to expect it to happen before the end of the year when it comes to at least one and most likely more potential vaccines. Of which it will be the first, however, it is far more important which potential vaccine will show that it is safe and effective enough to be used in the fight against the corona virus. It is good that different vaccine candidates have different mechanisms of action, which leaves room for optimism so that we can end up with not just one but several vaccines against this virus.

P.there is an announcement that a Russian vaccine would be administered “Satellite five” it could be done in Serbia. Do we have the capacity?

It would be important to know exactly what is meant when it comes to vaccine production in our country. If we mean the less sophisticated part of the process that we can roughly call local packaging or finalizing products from ready-made components, that probably wouldn’t be a problem. Anything above that would imply very specific expertise and it would be great if we had the ability to deal with it in our country as well.

FORhow much Serbia would needof to order a vaccine so we can protect ourselves from covid 19?

Ideally, as many people as possible should be vaccinated, around 60 to 70 percent of the population, as this would significantly limit the virus’s ability to spread further. Bearing in mind that a global pandemic is underway and therefore vaccine demands are extremely high, it is more realistic to expect the supply of vaccine or vaccines, if there are more, will go into tranches. Even if this is the case, we can expect a limited amount in the beginning, if a good prioritization is done and the elderly, the chronically ill, health workers and all those exposed to a large circulation of people are among the first to receive the vaccine, we will still be able to do so. expect significant positive effects of vaccination. Protecting those most at risk of developing a severe clinical picture would significantly reduce the pressure on the health system in that first wave, which is the main task in the fight against the pandemic. By subsequently expanding the vaccine circle to other population groups, we might expect virus activity to decline and drop to levels that would be lower than we saw during the best days of last summer, and hence as the number of vaccinated continues to growing would not be unrealistic do not expect the spread of the virus to stop completely or reduce to a sporadic onset. At the same time, it is very important that it is coordinated action not only in our country but also in the wider region, because it is the only way we can expect a pandemic to stop.

D.okle has gone on with research when it comes to invention drugs that can cure coronary heart disease?

When it comes to the development of coronavirus specific drugs, rapid results should not be expected because the situation is significantly more complex. Unlike vaccines which teach our immune systems to fight infections by presenting a weakened or dead pathogen, or even by presenting only part of the genetic material of the virus, a drug must contain a specific substance that effectively kills the virus itself. The process of identifying the active ingredient and testing is extremely long and uncertain, and it will take a long time to get a cure for the coronavirus, if ever there is one. On the other hand, if we get effective vaccines, the need for the drug will be lost because the vaccines will successfully suppress the covid 19 infection.

WITHgod of what is no longer used light “chloroquinein treatment suffer from kovida, which was initially considered a good choice?

When we encountered this new virus, in the absence of specific drugs for the coronavirus virus, medicine resorted to attempts to curb the infection with some of the drugs we already have, which were thought to be successful in their mechanism of action. “Chloroquine” is one of those drugs that was used for the first time, but which proved not sufficiently effective in fighting the virus during the spring, and at the same time carries the risk of some serious side effects, following of which it has ceased to be part of the protocol. treatment of coronavirus patients.

FORaqua are experiences with the therapy in which it is used remdesivir?

Furthermore, remdesivir is not a drug specifically developed to treat covida 19 infection, but as an antiviral drug with which we have already had some experience in treating other infections caused by coronaviruses, such as SARS, it has proved relatively effective. , especially in some subgroup of patients. These are primarily patients with a more severe clinical picture who require oxygen therapy but are not on a respirator, in which it has been shown that it can shorten the duration of the disease compared to patients with a similar clinical picture who have not received it. In a pandemic, even those therapies that have a limited positive effect are valuable because they reduce the pressure on the health system, so “remdesivir” has found its place in treatment protocols.

Information appeared with a positive effect in patients with crown shows and donations aspirin. Is there any truth to this?

In recent weeks, data has emerged from a study that showed that the use of acetylsalicylic acid can have a positive effect in 19 patients. Those who took this drug were less likely to end up on a respirator or ICU, and mortality in that group of patients was also significantly lower. It is believed that these results are achieved due to the drug’s property of preventing blood clot formation and thus preventing thrombosis, which has been identified as one of the complications of covid 19. These are certainly encouraging data and in the future acid acetylsalicylic will be intensively tested to increase could confidently conclude if there is a place in the treatment protocol for coronavirus patients.

How much Serbia is a helmet introducing innovative therapies? Will new modern drugs soon be placed on the positive list, or will they be obtained at the expense of the state?

The current pandemic is a good reminder of how important innovations are in medicine. For years, our country has also fallen far behind the region in terms of the availability of innovative therapies through the so-called positive list. Although the situation is still not exceptional, in recent years, thanks to the efforts of the Republic Health Insurance Fund (RHIF), but also of the pharmaceutical companies themselves, which have borne part of the costs of listing innovative therapies, extremely important steps have been taken to improve the availability of the most effective drugs that modern medicine can currently provide. Significant funds have been provided for this purpose in 2020 and, thanks to this determination by the RHIF, we expect to see further improvement in the situation in the coming period. Our expectation is that by the end of this year there will be a new expansion of the positive list of innovative drugs and that this practice will continue next year. The decision on which areas will be marked as a priority for the inclusion of innovative new medicines on the list rests with the expert committees of the RHIF.

The availability of blood plasma is limited

How are they effects of plasma treatment?

Treatment with blood plasma obtained from the blood of people who have already been infected and therefore their blood contains significant levels of antibodies is a well known method that has long been used in the treatment of some infections, especially where there are no more effective therapies. The use of such treatment should always be weighed against the potential risks posed by transfusion of other people’s blood plasma. This mainly refers to those side effects that occur as a result of the immune response of the person receiving this therapy and which can range from mild to very severe. A further problem is that the availability of blood plasma is often limited. However, in some cases, the use of blood plasma may be indicated, especially in the situation we find ourselves in today when there is no specific cure for covid 19 infection.


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