On Friday 13 the servers will be closed shortly


Bad news for Jason Voorhees and campers on Friday the 13th

Through the Gun Media, to publisher from Friday 13 announced a new update for the game in November, but it will also be the last. Immediately after the update, the servers will be closed and the matchmaking it can only be done via P2P for Quick Play mode.

It is worth noting that private matches will continue, with the difference that the information will be hosted on the host’s connection, previously stored by a dedicated server.

The new update promises to fix all bugs reported by players, since its launch, so that it is as polished as possible. In addition, forums will be archived, as well as social networks, which will only publish automatic ads.

Throughout his life, the game has reached the mark of 1.8 million copies sold and received a physical media version on October 13, 2018.

If you would like to purchase your copy, please click here, as the game will no longer be sold shortly.

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