“OK Google, how did I sleep today?” The most desired wizard function appears


The Google Assistant can already read our health data in third-party services, or almost, because for now the feature is only compatible with Fitbit ‘wearables’.

Last updated on 25/11/2020 at 01:01

Since Google bought Fitbit at the end of last year 2019, surely with the idea of ​​growing Google Fit Thanks to the best quantification software in the industry, the truth is that many were still waiting for the keys to a deal that didn’t materialize in specific features or devices in the ecosystem of the Mountain View giant.

We had to wait almost a year, in fact, because the star of Google services as Assistant is today to receive related news the integration of Fitbit services that allows the assistant to access our health data even if they are registering from third party platforms or quantifiers.

Do not be under too much illusion, anyway, because really opens the door to third party services but for now this option will only be available for Fitbit bracelets and watches, which can already be integrated into Assistant for they allow us to ask directly how we slept to our mobile or any Nest Home speaker.

You sleep less and it is because of the blue light emitted from your mobile screen

If you have a Fitbit watch or bracelet, you can now ask the Google Assistant how you slept.

Google Assistant launches a new wellness section, which can use data from physical quantifiers

The truth is that Google has already got us used to the very slow development of Assistant, which hasn’t even received the Spanish conversation mode available in English for more than two years, and in this case it was even added that Regulators have not yet approved the Fitbit purchase and its integration into Alphabet and therefore under the umbrella of Google.

Be that as it may, it appears that both companies have been working with a single company for months Road map which allows you to join forces and exploit synergies, as in this case natively integrating the Assistant on Fitbit devices and the software platform on Google’s intelligent assistant, which now you can exploit the power of all these data collected by our Wearable.

So that, The Google Assistant launches a wellness section that you can even access details such as sleep, exercise or nutrition, using third-party data which in this case boils down to that of Fitbit to offer us useful information or advice to help us improve our health or our physical condition.

We assume it access to this data and the wellness section will grow over time in Assistant, something we want and assume also that there are probably agreements with Samsung or other manufacturers to access data from Samsung Health or Huawei Health, among others suite similar health.

For now if we have a Fitbit bracelet we can ask the assistant to answer the question about how much we slept last night or how well we’ve done, something that is highly anticipated and that most Fitbit users will appreciate after months of waiting for news “made by Google”.

Android police colleagues have already tried it and works effectively by responding perfectly to the recorded dream for a Fitbit Inspire HR bracelet … We will have to wait for more news, so of course we will stay tuned!

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