offering services to the community


In his televised speech on November 24, Emmanuel Macron announced that the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 would begin as soon as the vaccines were authorized by the health authorities. The campaign could therefore start “in late December or early January”. So far, no vaccines have passed phase 3 testing and therefore cannot be submitted for approval to state health authorities.

“The health authorities, with the state, the local communities, will define the practical modalities for the deployment of vaccines, with hospitals, rest homes and all municipal doctors”, added the President of the Republic.

Message heard – in advance – by the United Territories, grouping ofAMF, ADF and regions of France. In a letter dated 24 November addressed to the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, the presidents of the three associations, François Baroin (AMF), Dominique Bussereau (ADF) and Renaud Muselier, write: “At the time when the anti-Covid-19 vaccination, the associations of local authorities – united in the United Territories – wish to be part of this national campaign and force the proposals. “

Local organization

The High Authority for Health (HAS), they add, recommends a vaccination strategy with an organization “that takes into account local specificities and [de la mettre en place] with ARS, departmental services and local authorities “. “We can only appreciate this approach,” they rejoice.

[70% reste à lire]

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