of children immunized against Covid-19 but tested on negative intrigue scientists


While their parents were positive for Covid-19 and symptomatic, three young children developed very strong immunity to the disease, even though they never tested positive. A discovery that could be very valuable in understanding how this virus works.

Dozens of coronavirus studies appear every day. An unusual amount of research showing how the fight against Covid-19 has become a priority within the scientific community. One of them, shared in November in the scientific journal Nature, highlights a phenomenon very little observed and informed in the world.

Negative PCR tests, yet …

This study was conducted in a family that was badly affected by SARS-CoV-2. A couple residing in Melbourne, Australia returned from a wedding in a neighboring state in early March 2020. At the age of 47 and 38, the father and mother were quickly struck by symptoms that are no longer unknown to us: cough, stuffy nose, fever, headache …

The verdict falls: the marriage has become a cluster and the parents test positive using PCR tests. Their three children aged 9, 7 and 5, with whom they lived daily, are all negative. However, the first two had mild symptoms. The third is asymptomatic. Strange, especially since the youngest slept in the same bed as her parents.

A very powerful immune response

Despite these few symptoms for two of the children, CRP tests are on the rise and yet they are all negative. Recruited by the Children’s Research Institute of Murdoch University, the family was closely followed. Some tests have yielded rather disturbing results. Children have indeed developed a very powerful immunity.

The three young people thus produced a large amount of immunoglobulin A, an immunity also present in the parents and effective against SARS-CoV-2. In addition, one of the children produced immunoglobulins G, which are rarer and specific to infected people.

How to explain it?

Several theories emerge from these different tests. First of all, this is likely to show ineffective PCR tests to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2, in children. The events took place in March, at the very beginning of the epidemic. “This highlights the limits of sensitivity of nasopharyngeal PCR and current diagnostic serology in children”, conclude the authors of the study.

Alternatively, the children were able to develop an immune response that was very effective in limiting the replication of the virus. They could be infected without being detected by PCR tests due to their very powerful immune response. Or even to have developed this immunity without being infected … This is what another study seems to have discovered, which we present to you in the video at the top of the article.

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