Nuts improve male fertility


According to a study published in September 2020, walnuts improve male fertility. Explanation.

The benefits of walnuts on male fertility

Rich in “good fats”, magnesium, omega 3 and vitamin E, nuts are great for health. Almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts and other nuts are in fact excellent for calming hunger, lowering cholesterol and preventing obesity. But that’s not all: according to a Hispanic-American study published on 23 September 2020 in the journal Andrology, would improve male fertility.

To do their work, the researchers brought in 72 young men and asked 48 participants to consume 60 grams of walnuts every day for 14 weeks. The others continued with their usual diet. Result: the seminal fluid of the men who consumed oil seeds was of better quality and presented more spermatozoa, which were also “in better shape” in terms of morphology, vitality and mobility.

Better quality sperm thanks to nuts

According to the study, several factors related to our current way of life (tobacco, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle …) explain the decline in fertility in men because they modify the DNA methylation of cells, especially sperm. In other words, the seminal fluid is of inferior quality due to the insufficiently healthy lifestyle of men. However, the consumption of walnuts can, as the study shows, improve their quality.

Gentlemen, if you want to ensure a long and prolific offspring, you know what to do: eat nuts!

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