Not going to school .. Symptoms confirm that your child has Corona


Dr Magdy Badran, a member of the Egyptian Society of Allergy and Immunology, appealed to the need to preserve the child’s health and prevent him from going to school in the event of emergency respiratory symptoms.

Badran advised, during his speech with “Eco del Paese”, the need to measure the temperature daily to ensure the health of children.

Also, care should be taken to monitor the appearance of Covid 19 symptoms in children, noting that children and adults develop similar symptoms when exposed to Covid 19 infection, children’s symptoms are generally mild and similar to symptoms of a cold.

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He said most babies recover within a week or two.

Their symptoms can include:


Nasal congestion.



Burning throat.

Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.



Muscular pain.

Nausea or vomiting.


Poor appetite.

Loss of sense of taste.

Loss of smell.

Stomach ache.


He also noticed it Children can also become infected with the Coronavirus Covid 19 without showing symptoms, and this confirms the need to follow health recommendations aimed at spreading the Corona virus Covid-19.


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