No new consoles in the future according to analysts


According to industry review experts, the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 could be the last big consoles we’ll see. According to experts, cloud gaming services will replace consoles in the future.

Game consoles from Sony and Microsoft have a longer lifespan than modern computers, reaching 6-7 years. High production costs of the new consoles and claims that they sell less than expected, Sony and Microsoft this time it could push to extend even further.

However, extending this period can make another area stand out. If cloud-based gaming systems show significant improvement in this process PlayStation 6 ya from Xbox Series X’in halefini we may not see.

The era of the console is ending according to experts


Currently accessible cloud gaming services Google Stadia is Apple Arcadeit’s not at the point where it can compete with game consoles. However, these platforms can make great strides in the coming period.

5G and new communication technologies will make connection a lot more in the future. fast will make. Cloud gaming services may also become more stable, faster, and more gaming coverage services around this time. If so, interest in consoles may hit rock bottom.


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In reality to the gaming market when we look your freedom we see that it plays an important role in the choice of the platform. The video game industry, which started with large and expensive computers, then moved on to small, game-centric consoles. Nowadays, most of the money is the newer market. mobile game save space.

Do cloud games beat the console?

console players


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For people who use cloud-based gaming services to access games more alternatives has. Among these, in addition to computers, tablets and telephones There are also devices that can be found with us all the time.

Citi SecuritiesAccording to the analysis carried out in the Japanese branch of PlayStation 6 a device will not arrive. In the future, players will be subscribed to gaming services, no one will buy a device specially made for the game. Do you agree with this view?


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