No, Cyberpunk 2077 does not have a 56GB day one patch on PS4, PS5


Cyberpunk 2077 is only a week away from launch and it honestly looks like parts of the internet are close to implosion. The hype is certainly real, and as is often the case with the impending launch of something huge, many people are losing their minds over what is apparently complete misinformation.

Here’s what’s happening: Some people have already received their copy of Cyberpunk 2077. One of those people jumped on Reddit to prove they own the game and posted a photo of Cyberpunk 2077 installed on their PS5. That image has since been removed, but it’s still running around on Twitter.

The original poster claimed they were downloading a colossal day one patch for the PS4 title, weighing in at 56GB. Of course, several sites immediately posted this story as it spread across social media, but according to CD Projekt Red Fabian Mario Döhla, that patch doesn’t even exist. At least not yet.

It appears that the 56GB in question is actually Cyberpunk 2077’s install size on PS4. CD Projekt Red has yet to release any official statements regarding the release of a day one patch.

And this is all. The only other thing we want to mention is that once again some people already have Cyberpunk 2077, and this will inevitably lead to leaks before the game’s release next week. Be careful out there!

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