“Night of shame. We have fallen from grace …” | NTVSpor.net


Serbia and Russia met in Group 3 of the UEFA Nations B League, which also includes national football team A. The home team won the Belgrade match 5-0.

Leading Serbia in the first half of the match 4-0, Nemanja Radonjic scored 10 goals, Luka Jovic at 25 and 45 + 1, Dusan Vlahovic at 40 and Filip Mladonevic at 64.

With this result, Serbia finished the group with 6 points. Russia finished the group with 8 points.

This defeat of Russia had great repercussions in the Russian press. Gazeta-Ru, Serbia-Russia match, “We were dishonored in Belgrade” seen with the title.

If MKRU “The Serbs humiliated the Russian national team by winning 5-0” while Vesti was saying, “We almost fell in Belgrade, we ended very badly” used expressions.

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