News on the health of Nani and Coca after the Corona virus infection


Fans in Egypt and in the Arab world We publish the latest news on the health of the stars of the Egyptian national team after the trip to Togo, through which they were infected by the new Corona virus.

Arsenal star Mohamed El-Niny and Olympiacos star Ahmed Hassan Kouka were infected with the new Corona virus during their presence with the Egyptian national team in the Togo match, in which the Pharaohs won 3-1.

Journalist Omar Rabih Yassin said Egyptian national team and Arsenal club star Mohamed El-Niny underwent a new swab for Corona virus and tested positive, and will be subjected to medical isolation in Hurghada.

In statements on the “Falcon Stadium” program broadcast on Radio Misr, he added that Mohamed El-Niny will be subject to a period of isolation in Hurghada, and informed the Arsenal club of all developments.

Omar Rabih Yassin explained that Ahmed Hassan “Coca will not leave Cairo until it has recovered from the Corona virus, and it will not travel to Greece until its sample is negative.

The swabs carried out yesterday morning on the members of the first mission of the national team, on their return from Togo, highlighted for the second time the positive champion of Mohamed El-Nani, an Arsenal player.

English club Arsenal have provided support to the team’s center star Mohamed El-Niny after he was infected with the new Corona virus while on the Egyptian national team.

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