News 24 | The Ministry of Health establishes a department to monitor the regularity of the presence of employees in the health management and clusters


"Health" A department is set up to monitor employee attendance at health directorates and clustersThe Ministry of Health directed the establishment of a department to monitor the regularity of human resources in the directorates in the regions, governorates and health districts, provided that this department is linked to the Deputy Director General, the Director of Health Affairs for Resources Human Resources or Executive Vice President of Human Resources.

In a circular issued on the matter, the Ministry stressed that health directorates and clusters should appoint a director for this department and send his data to the Human Resources Agency, provided he undertakes to provide full support to these departments.

He indicated that this is done in implementation of the decision of the Council of Ministers, which provides for the abolition of follow-up units in government agencies, provided that the monitoring of the regularity of personnel and the presence of its units is assigned to the General Administration of human resources.

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