New warning signs have been discovered that show the possibility of contracting Covid-19


A new study by scientists from the University of Barcelona in Spain found that some people with the coronavirus experienced a range of nasal symptoms before the most common symptoms appeared.

In the study, it was revealed that early symptoms such as dry nose may actually be harbingers of the loss of taste and smell common in coronavirus patients.

According to the news reported by Independent Turkish, the researchers, who published their results on the prepress platform called Merdxiv, interviewed a group of 35 Kovid patients and a control group equal to them in terms of age and gender. Participants only answered yes or no to the questions posed to them.

In the study, which has not yet been peer reviewed, over 68% of patients reported at least one nasal symptom.

It was found that the coronavirus test positive group experienced a “strange sensation in the nose” and reported symptoms such as “excessive dryness” more than the control group.

Additionally, 52% of patients said they felt as if they were constantly washing their nose. The proportion of those in the control group who said they experienced the same sensation remained at 3%.

According to the researchers, these symptoms felt in the nose were mainly accompanied by loss of smell and taste. It was also claimed that Covid-19 appeared earlier or with other symptoms and took an average of 12 days.

The researchers explained the importance of discovering these early signs:

The presence and early onset of these nasal (nasal) symptoms can facilitate early diagnosis of Covid-19.


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