Updated on October 27, 2020, at 9:21 am
The most shrill emigrants of “Goodbye Germany” are back on TV after the “Summer House of the Stars”: with their docu-soap “Caro & Andreas – 4 punches for Mallorca” on VOX.
Andreas Robens it seems that it could harm not only a fly, but also the mountain gorrilla this fly is sitting on. But under the muscles strokes heart. For Robens partner Dear (41). That’s why the 54-year-old wants to be Marriage vows after ten years renew. As if that weren’t enough, the two “Goodbye Germany” emigrants work where others go on holiday: on the sunny island of Mallorca, they have fulfilled their dream of having their own gym.
But as always in life, the same is true here: where there is a lot of sunlight, there is lots of shade. Participation only in “Summer house of the stars” prevented the financial ruin. In the first episode of the VOX documentary, the question arises whether “4 punches for Mallorca” are enough to bring down the powerful opponent Corona. The virus isn’t the only mood killer for the second mood of marriage. The couple also experienced a lot of cyberbullying.
“Then they’ll sue me in America and we’ll get publicity all over the world”
However, giving up is not an option for Andreas, the standing male. Although the couple have missed an estimated 200 to 300 customers since the start of the pandemic measures and more than a quarter of their income has broken, Andreas dreams of a large-scale solution. Where others currently only see a deserted “zombie city” appears in the mind of the entrepreneur Outdoor gym right on the beach.
The wife remains skeptical: “It looks so small.” But Andreas has optimism for two – and extravagant logic: “No, it looks so small because it’s so big.” Whether he even scored points with this topic when they met remains his secret. One thing is certain: the two met as cashiers and bouncers at the cult Ballermann nightclub in Upper Bavaria. “I haven’t left since,” sums up Andreas.
He is equally persistent in pursuing his business plan. He wants his gym in the open “Muscle Beach“. A deliberate reference to the legendary original of the same name in Los Angeles.” It should be called Muscle Beach, then They are suing me in America and we have publicity all over the world“so she daring thesis.
“How do you enrich your relationship?” – “I am there.”
Less daring is Andreas’s plan, again to stop Caro’s handbecause he is sure of the answer. With the promise of renewal after ten years, he wants one for his wife fulfill a romantic wish. The problem: “I’m as romantic as a piece of wood.” A specially arrived wedding speaker from Germany is supposed to ensure that it becomes at least a finely polished finish. Bring a folder with questions for your clients. By the way: “How do you enrich your relationship?” Andreas doesn’t have to think twice: “I am there.”
As the speaker of the Christian marriage on the first Wedding ten years ago want to talk, it becomes clear that this celebration Caro’s life in many ways radically changed. To achieve “the perfect figure on the perfect day”, she trained hard and lasted for five months 18 kilos less in wedding dress. A fundamental experience. The enthusiasm for weight training has turned the inconspicuous waitress into a muscular one.
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What he hates they have since made it clear that they are Caro’s new look like too masculine feel. “In principle I don’t give a damn what people say,” Andreas says fiercely. “God, how ugly”, “Yuck! I don’t see a woman here anymore” – Caro has to accept comments like that all the time. One user uses the anonymity of the Internet to refer to Caro as a “boiled rabbit with crooked breast implants and too much self-tanning.” Andreas replies: “I have rarely seen beautiful or successful people do something like this, these are mostly the losers. “
Dear Robens after a beauty operation: “I can’t open the corners of my mouth”
There seem to be a lot of them though, because since their appearance in “Summer house of the stars” were i The hate comments are even more intense. Andreas found himself forced to ask for forgiveness on social media channels after being drunk and threatened to beat Georgina Fleur’s boyfriend Kubilay Özdemir in front of the camera. An empty threat remained, but that Image of a crowd attached to Andreas.
As for the optics, they both wanted to offer less attack surface and settled for one Plastic surgery under the knife in Düsseldorf. VOX shows it Skin tightening surgery is quite explicit. If you close your eyes at these moments, you will receive essential information such as an audio book from Caro: “You feel like they are pulling your chin up to your ears,” he says. “You think they’ll drill your bones.”
The anticipation of the second marriage in the operationally rejuvenated version is fantastic, but there is one Problem: “I’d be happy now, but I would I can’t lift the corners of my mouth“Compared to the cash drop in the gym, this is more of a luxury issue.
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Famous couples must stay together in the “summer house of the stars”, otherwise they have no chance. It has worked for Andreas and Caro Robens so far, but a preview video for the next episode doesn’t bode well for the relationship. © RTL Television
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