Neuer sums up the historic debacle against Spain in one word


Manuel Neuer played his 96th match for the national team and has more than any other national goalkeeper. But he certainly didn’t feel like celebrating on that dark evening in Seville. Image: / Eibner press photo

Neuer sums up the historic defeat against Spain in one word

The German national football team ended the 2020 international match year with the highest defeat in 89 years. And as bitter as it may seem, it was.

The Spaniards were superior to the Germans in all respects: Safety of the ball, joy of playing, aggression. Seemingly effortless, the outstanding Torres and his teammates overcame the German defense over and over again, mercilessly exploiting hair-raising mistakes.

One who particularly suffered from the blatant defensive weakness was in the German goal. Manuel Neuer played his 96th match for the national team and has more than any other national goalkeeper. But he certainly didn’t feel like celebrating on that dark evening in Seville.

Powerless for all the goals conceded

He couldn’t do anything with all six goals conceded. His front men let the Spaniards reach such promising shooting positions every time: it would have been more difficult for the Iberian strikers to pass.

The captain of the German team took it slow at the end of the match, he did not want to beat his teammates in the pan, but diligently said the slogan “We lose as a team”. During the game, however, it was boiling, which was clearly shown in one scene.

Manuel Neuer would certainly have wanted a better game of records. Image: images imago / Eibner Pressefoto

The 4-0 gives Neuer the rest

In the 55th minute, the Spaniards scored 4-0 – and destroyed all faint hopes of a frozen comeback from the Germans. One long ball, two or three quick passes – and Ferran Torres was able to take the ball calmly and overtake Neuer on the net. The German defense watched, fascinated, but did not intervene decisively.

The national goalkeeper was served and made no effort to hide it. Furious, he hit the post and screamed his frustration on the Spanish night – with a single word that aptly summed up the entire course of the game: “FUCK!”


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In his show Nuhr im Erste, Dieter Nuhr once again caused a stir. Thursday night she criticized author and journalist Alice Hasters for her book “What White People Don’t Want to Hear About Racism, But They Should Know”. The title itself is racist because it brings all whites together and accuses them of racism.

In the evening, but especially on Friday morning, Nuhr’s statements sparked a …

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