NEO Mainnet Updated to 2.9.0

  • NEO-CLI 2.9.0 is a basic update that uses the Akka framework
  • The upgrade increases security and makes it more cheap for the user to run his own node
  • The optimization of consensus synchronization time is one of the main objectives of NEO

Erik Zhang, developer and principal founder of NEO, recently released version 2.9.0. of NEO-CLI. The NEO-CLI client is a complete node. In other words, it will not only synchronize but also directly store a complete copy of the NEO blockchain.

Although it can be used as a basic wallet client, it is typically used to run RPCs or consent nodes that communicate with other nodes on the network.

NEO-CLI 2.9.0 comes with new features in the form of plug-ins that increase the stability of NEO nodes and improve network security.

The update also includes automated and simplified processes that were manual such as portfolio opening, application logs and model selection. Overall, it makes the distribution of knots easier and more convenient – the cruciate for decentralization.

Between the versions, the customers are informed of all the noteworthy changes through the NEO-CLI logogram. The most recent version has the following modifications, corrections and additions.


  • Improved plugin system
  • Significant improvements in stability (actor model)


  • New RPC command: getwalletheight
  • New RPC command: getblockerheader
  • Allow the position of the wallet index directory to be changed


  • NEO-CLI will close on ^ D without errors (only for Linux)

As the NEO ecosystem evolves and continues to grow, it has also become more diverse. This is reflected in their tokens. In line with this, NEO Global Development (NGD) launched CGAS and CNEO. The 2 tokens are decentralized and open source and have been created for community members who do not yet trust the relatively centralized mapping methods of the NEO's global resources.

Both CNEO and CGAS can be used with any project and have no usage restrictions for mapping global resources. Respectively, with NEO and GAS, both can be traded for their counterparts at market rates.

One of NEO's next goals is to optimize consensus synchronization time. Vitor Coelho of NeoResearch proposed the implementation of something similar to a Kalman filter. It will allow a node of consent to act as a speaker and use its previous consensus experience to better evaluate a period of time for the next consensus cycle.

Another urgent change they are examining is the reintroduction of a third phase of consensus. The omission of the third "committed" consent phase created a subtle possibility for the NEO network to meet a single-block fork.

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