Nearly one in five people infected with the coronavirus develop a mental illness


The University of Oxford, in collaboration with NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical, has conducted a study on the correlation between Covid-19 infection and the development of mental illness in patients. It appears that 18.1% of the virus positive patients were subsequently diagnosed with a mental disorder.

90 days after being infected with the coronavirus, nearly one in five patients develop a mental illness such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, insomnia or even depression. This is the first time that patients have developed such a disorder for 5.8% of infected people in the panel studied.

These are the results of a study conducted by researchers from the University of Oxford, published in The Lancet and cited by the Guardian on 10 November. Paul Harrison, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Oxford, noted that stress from the Covid-19 pandemic may play a role in diagnoses. He believes that the correlation between the two phenomena is relevant.

A large study

“Many people are concerned that Covid-19 survivors are at increased risk of developing mental disorders … well, our results show that they probably do,” laments Paul Harrison. 69 million American medical records, including 62,000 coronavirus positive, were analyzed as part of this study.

The researchers also found that people with a psychiatric disorder were 65% more likely to contract Covid-19. “This is an unexpected discovery that requires further research. But in the meantime, having a psychiatric disorder should be added to the list of risk factors for Covid-19, ”said Prof. Max Taquet, who co-wrote the study.

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