NASA has imaged the largest sunspots on Earth


The US Space and Aviation Agency (NASA) managed to photograph the giant sunspot on the surface of the Sun with its Soho 25 satellite.

NASA has imaged the largest sunspots on Earth

Scientists who have been studying the sun for years have been trying to unravel the secrets of our heat source by evaluating their findings. Researchers are also closely monitoring the rashes that occur in the sun.

Solar flares are called violent explosions that occur on the Sun. These explosions are billions of megatons of power and generally move at a speed of 1 million km / h.

As a result of solar flares, which release enormous energy, particles of radiation with shorter than normal wavelengths enter the Earth’s atmosphere. As a result of these sprays, communication and power networks such as GPS on earth can be adversely affected.

NASA has imaged Earth's largest sunspots No.  1


The US Space and Aviation Agency (NASA) has imaged the giant sunspot on the Sun’s surface with the Soho 25 satellite.

It has been claimed that the sunspot consists of relatively cool magnetic anomalies that occur in the photosphere layer of the Sun.

It was claimed that the reason for the relative coolness, in other words the brightness, was that the magnetic field reduced the amount of radiation in the photosphere.

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