Nantes researchers are working on a promising Covid-19 vaccine


Also in Nantes, researchers are currently working on a vaccine against Covid-19. We will have to wait at least another year, but the OSE Immunotherapeutics company promises a much more effective vaccine than the ones the large laboratories are currently working on, which would be able to eradicate the disease.

A long-term effective vaccine

Simplifying, the most advanced vaccines so far have the same problem as that against the flu : if the virus mutates – and Covid-19 has already done so – they are less or more effective and you have to be vaccinated again every year. While the one developed by the Nantesi would be like BCG, the vaccine against tuberculosis: one injection and you are protected for many years.

The difference is thisinstead of making our antibodies react, it makes our white blood cells react, which is much more effective in the long run and which works on all known forms of Covid-19. This is all the more interesting since, until now, antibody-reacting vaccines have never worked against coronaviruses like SARS in Asia and in the seas of the Arabian Peninsula.

Not until the end of 2021

The first tests in humans are expected to begin early next year, for commercialization at the end of 2021 at the earliest. It could therefore come in addition to the emergency vaccines being completed. It should also be much easier to maintain, in principle in a simple refrigerator, e it costs no more than 10 euros, in any case, it is the promise of the Nantes society.

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