Nadia of “La dolce vita” meant that the writer Ionel Teodoreanu did not have peace and sleep


She was born on November 23, 1923 in Bucharest: her father was Russian and her mother, a Bessarabian from Cetatea Albă. Nadia was given the names of both parents, Kujnir-Herescu. She married Constantin Cantacuzino, who was an elite aviator in World War II.

Together with him, the actress decided to leave Romania and emigrated to Paris. Cantacuzino was in his second marriage, leaving his daughter Maria-Ioana in Romania from the relationship with Anca Diamandi. Later Maria became a writer, under the pseudonym of Oana Orlea.

Read Nadia’s fascinating story here, find out how she became an actress in Hollywood and how she conquered writer Ionel Teodoreanu.

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