Municipalities did not spare during the epidemic, they want to cheer up citizens (PHOTO)


Happy December this year will be very different from the previous one. The coronavirus epidemic is shaping public life and therefore is also happening in cities in December, when many festive events, fairs and performances traditionally take place.

Most Slovenian municipalities have decided to decorate their urban centers like every year, whatever happens. It is still unclear whether they will hold Christmas fairs in some places, in others they have opted for them despite everything. And from a financial point of view, have the municipalities spent less money on decoration than usual?

Festive Ljubljana. PHOTO: Jože Suhadolnik

“For the decoration of the new year (lights placed on figures, spruces and growing trees), 220,000 euros of budget funds have been allocated each year. The decoration will be on the same scale as last year, the amount of this year will be lower, “we were told at the Ljubljana Turizm. Every year crowds of people from all over Slovenia and abroad flock to the capital to experience and spend beautiful evenings in a happy December. It probably won’t be this year. Especially if the curfew continues and the ban on gathering in public places continues, it seems that the decorated places will be lonely. “In December it gets dark well before 9pm and in some areas, light decoration even replaces public lighting. Given the coronavirus-related situation this year, we believe it is all the more important to preserve at least some of the traditional contents that make up the party atmosphere. There are also many citizens who have to go to work despite the curfew and if they can make their way into decorated Ljubljana, it could be a little more pleasant. ” The fairytale image will be in Ljubljana until January 2021.

In Nova Gorica, instead of giving to charity

In the municipality of Nova Gorica, they wanted to expand the December events from urban work to countryside and cross-border space, but depending on the situation, this year they decided to focus more on innovative lighting in the center of Nova Gorica. They have given up on socializing and cheering, they are considering a truncated realization of the Christmas and New Year fair. They will definitely have a book fair in the third week of December. They also decided to donate a portion of the funds that would otherwise have been donated to the entertainment program to charity. Therefore, the Franc Derganc General Hospital in Šempeter has already donated 5,000 euros for the purchase of medical equipment for the treatment of covid patients.

There will be no events in Ptuj, nor extra money for vulnerable groups

Even in the oldest Slovenian city, Ptuj, no special holiday events are planned, but festive decorations with lights have been prepared. Funds that were once used for fireworks, but in the last two years have been used to give gifts to children and the elderly, this year some money will be added for protocol purposes and will be given to vulnerable groups, children, the elderly and safe home users.

Nobody in the city of Ljubljana and its public institutions and companies has lost their jobs
Unlike many Slovenians who have lost their jobs, jobs and total income due to the epidemic, the city of Ljubljana says that “none of our colleagues, whether in the city administration or in our companies and public institutions, are lost my job. “

The City of Ljubljana Department of Health and Social Welfare adds that they have not spent much money on people at social risk: Every year, both this year and next, we co-finance a number of social protection and health protection programs. health, which are mostly implemented by non-governmental organizations. The co-financed programs are aimed at different vulnerable groups (victims of violence, drug addicts, homeless people, the elderly, people with disabilities, etc.) and offer various forms of assistance (crisis housing, day centers with guided activities, meal distribution and material assistance, individual practitioners / therapists and group counseling …). This year alone, we have allocated up to € 2.16 million for this purpose. In addition, we have earmarked € 1.16 million for one-off financial social assistance for one-off financial social assistance “.

In Maribor, they do not disclose how much they spent on the festive December

“We will make the city center shine with a festive and attractive image and offer quality content, the scope and implementation of which will be adapted to current measures to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. The lights will turn on in the city center. Thursday, December 3, 2020. We plan to bring Maribor party headquarters, Glavni trg to life on this day, where there will be a Christmas and New Year market with a gift program until December 30, 2020. On the streets and city ​​squares, passers-by will be delighted with light sculptures, festive photo spots and urban woodlands, which will also invite city residents to co-create, “said Turizm Maribor, adding that they will be delighted by the light sculptures of the Fairy City. When asked how much money they have / will spend, they did not answer, saying they will talk about it at a press conference on Tuesday. However, they added that the decoration will not be reduced, but the municipality of Maribor has also provided additional decorations

Less for decoration, more for those in danger?
“The Municipality of Maribor has always worked closely with the CSD of Maribor and was also one of the first municipalities to establish a link with the local center in the first wave of the epidemic and therefore to seek the necessary help. It is currently underway. coordination with the center on how children from socially disadvantaged families could be gifted during the holidays. The Municipality of Maribor provides and distributes around 550 hot meals for schoolchildren, students and other citizens daily, as well as providing and distributing food packages, has provided 1,400 washing masks for primary school children from socially disadvantaged families, etc.

In Koper, 140 thousand euros, he bought a new decoration

The festive lighting in Koper should shine in early December. If conditions allow, the municipality, together with the local institute for youth, culture and tourism, will also set up an ice rink in the city, organize a holiday fair and take care of the accompanying program, the municipality announced. . This year they decided to purchase additional elements for the decoration of Prešeren Square, Kardeljeva ploščada, Verdi Street and Tito Square, as well as part of Pristaniška Street, which will complement the decoration of the strict city center of Koper. For this, 140,000 euros have been allocated.

Koper will also be decorated this year. PHOTO: Komunaprojekt

In Celje, they will adapt constantly, for the decoration of 98 thousand euros

“Preparations for the December events have been underway for several weeks. Given the unclear epidemiological picture in the country and all applicable measures, we cannot provide concrete information on all activities. There will certainly be no major events in Celje, such as concerts. outdoors or New Year. We will prepare the fair only if conditions and measures allow it, as well as other events. In Celje, we will adapt the program to the situation and measures. Regardless of everything, we will highlight the decoration of the city, the streets and building facades, lighting elements and a photographic corner “, said the Institute for Cultural Events and Tourism Celeia Celje.

The cost for installing light decorations, including day decorations, and for setting up and decorating fir trees, including VAT, was around 98,000 euros, just like last year. The décor of the city will be similar to that of last year “. Although the future is difficult to predict, we fear that the epidemiological situation will not allow us to socialize and that the days before holidays and holidays will be different from those we were used to. Many will miss family and friends. This is also why we want to create warmth and a party atmosphere in the city with lights. We believe that for many people a walk in a beautifully decorated city will brighten their day, fill them with energy, warmth and hope for a better tomorrow, “said the municipality of Celje. They add that they cannot simply provide one-time social assistance to those who are threatened by the epidemic with budget money, but are trying to help in other ways, such as various subsidies, such as rent subsidies, free children’s holidays, and the establishment of a public kitchen. beneficiaries are provided with one hot meal a day.We are also trying to alleviate social difficulties with the Viški hrane project, in which citizens can be involved through the Celje Center for Social Work and the public institution SOCIO Celje.


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