Movember or look at male tumors in the face on ( and


Everyone knows Pink October to raise awareness of breast cancer screening. Less knows this same campaign dedicated to men. Prostate and testicular cancer are the objectives of the event to remind people of the importance of screening and donations in the service of the fight.

The sign of the Movember event? Mustache. “This is an action created in 2003 by two Australians who decided to grow a mustache in November, explains Jacques Largeron, one of the urologists from the Bon Secours clinic in Puy-en-Velay. With social networks, this initiative has been a worldwide success. Since then it has become an association for raising awareness on male cancer pathologies, in particular on testicular and prostate cancers ”.

Screening, the first weapon to fight cancer

In France, Movember’s actions have been effective since 2012. “This ninth edition was somewhat parasitized by the current health crisis, Jacques Largeron specifies. The principle is to educate the population on the subject through challenges such as growing a mustache and beard for a month. At the same time, there are barber competitions, competitions, exhibitions and many other events to finally recover funds for research ”.

The key word that comes back to the specialist’s mouth is screening. “Testicular cancer is 2,500 cases per year in France, points out. Screening is done by self-examination by the patient himself. If you feel a stony lump, you should see your doctor or urologist immediately. This is also the official Movember 2020 spot with a small film starring Bruno Solo. “ According to Jacques Largeron, this cancerous pathology particularly affects young men between the ages of 20 and 35.

You should know that this cancer is silent. It does not cause any pain

If testicular cancer appears quite rare, it is the exact opposite of prostate cancer. “There are about 50,000 cases a year, book urologist Marlène Guandalino. But the figures for 2019 point to nearly 70,000 prostate cancers in France. This is in particular due to the increase in screening. You should know that this cancer is silent. It does not cause any pain. And if there is pain, it often means that it is too late. Hence the importance, once you are over 50, of being screened with an annual PSA blood test (Specific Prostate Antigen, ed) and a digital rectal exam. “

At his side, his colleague Pascal Métois ensures: “If the cancer is caught early, it is easily cured. But it’s true that men, unlike women, have it harder. The basis of this awareness is the attending physician. It is up to him to inform and persuade his patient to undergo the test. Then orient it based on the results. “

Some numbers

According to E-Cancer data:
– The number of deaths in 2018 in France: 157,400, 89,600 in men and 67,800 in women.
– Mortality rates: 123.8 per 100,000 men and 72.2 per 100,000 women.
– The median age at death in 2015 was 73 for men and 77 for women.
According to data from Public Health France, the net survival 5 years after surgery is:
– 63% for colon, rectal and cervical cancers
– 88% for the breast
– 93% for the prostate

Prostate cancer kills 11,000 people a year

Pascal Métois however deplores a drop in screenings during this year 2020 due to health restrictions and boundaries. “In terms of cancer pathology, it is the first male cancer followed by lung and colorectal, he says. It kills 11,000 people in France every year. “ Also in terms of mortality, lung cancer ranks first in humans (22,761 deaths in 2018), ahead of colorectal cancer (9,209 deaths).

A million dollar robot

From a technological standpoint, the Bon Secours clinic appears to be a pioneer in this area in the department. “We have new technologies with the advent of robotics, Jacques Largeron shares. Especially since we have our own Da Vinci surgical robot. It allows us to operate painlessly on patients who are discharged within two to three days of your surgery. Something inconceivable six years ago in this field. It is a real asset to the people of Altiligérien! “

The robot, unique in Haute-Loire, arrived at the clinic in December 2019. The first patients operated on were six months later. “There are only three in Auvergne, 15 in the Grand Region and 170 in France, says the robot manager, preferring to remain anonymous. This remote manipulator does not replace the surgeon but allows you to enlarge his gestures. The specialist will thus have a better vision, better ergonomics and very high precision ”. Its cost? Between one and two million euros depending on the options chosen.

A gold mine 2.0

The Bon Secours Clinic has a website that provides the right information on various conditions including testicular and prostate cancer, but also kidney stones and child urology. To consult Urovelay.

Internet, this interface that wants to hurt you

The word cancer is certainly a heavy burden to carry in your head and body. And all the technologies and robots in the world are unable to psychologically accompany the patient on the path of combat. For 18 months, the Bon Secours clinic has specialized nurses in this field. “For example, we will receive a patient diagnosed with prostate cancer to explain absolutely everything about the protocol chosen for him, confides in Marilyn Gouteyron, nurse in paramedic ad consultation. The goal is to play down the situation and answer all questions, both on the operation and on the postoperative follow-up.

Warns against all information found on the Internet. “There is a lot of nonsense on the web! Since people use it very often, we are now forced to present all the medical and pseudo-medical solutions that patients have learned through it and then eliminate them one by one. If we don’t, the sick people think we are hiding something from them ”.

A hemorrhage of donations

Present with the assistants, Bernard Beldon is the vice-president of the Ligue contre le Cancer Haute-Loire. “This year, unfortunately, we are witnessing a drop in donations for the League, he complains. This stems from the general context that causes anxiety and the cancellation of events dedicated to the struggle. For example, the action that Une Rose An Espoir bikers do every year has been canceled due to Covid. However, Covid or not, the cancer will still be there after the health crisis we are going through. “

The Ligue contre le Cancer donated 50,000 euros in 2019 to Clinique Bon Secours to equip itself with an ultrasound machine that allows the detection of small prostatic lesions and the execution of targeted biopsies with MRI guidance (total cost 140,000 euros).

Patient word

Alain Groisier, 61, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2020. “My screening happened quite by chance with my treating doctor who integrated the PSA test into my annual blood test,” he describes. In 2020 it proved worrying and I went to a urologist, aka Jacques Largeron, for more research. I entered the Bon Secours clinic on 15th July 2020 and underwent an operation the next day. Three days later, I was home with no pain and no difficulty walking or anything. “

Specific: “The Clinic team is made up of three urologists and a staff all around. What is remarkable is the work done to perfectly explain the path that awaits us and to go deeper into this stage of cancer. And destroy it together ”.

Nicolas Defay


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