Mosquitoes until December!


Mosquitoes are increasingly present until December in France.
Mosquitoes are increasingly present until December in France. (PATRICK PLEUL / DPA-ZENTRALBILD)

Normally during this season there are no more nocturnal awakenings due to their annoying buzzing. Yet in the subway train, I see a mosquito resting peacefully on my neighbor. Verification carried out on the mosquito surveillance map that measures their presence in the territory, 17 departments are still classified in the orange zone, that is, in the area of ​​bite and possible proliferation. The rest of the territory is always in yellow, an area favorable to their multiplication.

Mosquitoes can survive the six months of winter because they sleep or remain as larvae and wait for the mildness and humidity of the following spring. But entomologists can see that they come out and sting more and more over the course of the year. As 2020 is about to be ranked among the hottest, scientists are still collecting reports in December. Especially in cities where mosquitoes find heat and stagnant water, such as in the subway, perfect for laying eggs: a hundred each time and 15 days later a new generation starts hunting again. This is why you can still be bitten in December in the city by a mosquito, finally by a mosquito. It is only the females who bite us to get the proteins needed to lay their eggs into our blood.

On the mosquito surveillance map, the tiger season is over. This year it was reported in 58 departments. More than half of the metropolitan territory is affected by this species, coming from South-East Asia at the beginning of the 2000s. The UN has classified it among the 10 most invasive species on the planet, since it is widespread in a hundred countries. Unlike local species, the tiger mosquito bites during the day and prefers human blood to that of other mammals for food. It can also transmit diseases such as dengue, chikungunya or zika but it is necessary that you have bitten someone who is sick before passing one of these viruses to you.

Santé Publique France has just released its annual report: 834 cases of dengue were imported by passengers from areas at risk and 13 people developed the disease locally, mainly in south-eastern France.

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