More than 100 cases at the Generalate of the Sisters of Charity | COVID-19 | News | The sun


LThe epidemic, which was reported on Wednesday by CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale, was confirmed to the media two days later. As of Friday, CIUSSS has reported 43 out of 110 infected employees and 39 out of 300 infected nuns. Already, it was the most important epidemic that occurred within a religious congregation in Quebec.

In a press release released on Friday at the end of the day, the Mallet Services Corporation, which administers the services at the Generalate of the Sisters of Charity, stated that the epidemic has hit the “infirmary” and that all preventive activities are Infection control measures were applied to ensure the safety of the nuns and staff.

“The next few days will be difficult for the congregation and for our employees, and our priority is the well-being of the sisters who are going through difficult times,” said the director general, Jean M. Gagné.

A massive screening operation was carried out at the Beauport sector plant on Friday. A total of 410 people were tested. As of Monday, there have been a total of 109 confirmed cases, or 58 cases among residents and 51 among workers, according to data sent to the Soleil from the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale. No deaths have yet to be reported.

A CIUSSS “mission team” has been deployed in “active support” in the community, specifies spokesperson Annie Ouellet. “These are different teams with different skills and competencies to meet the needs, both in terms of care, infection prevention and control, logistics, supplies, hygiene and sanitation, daily management and improvement follow-up,” he explains. .

In concrete terms, the CIUSSS teams “quickly put in place rigorous infection prevention and control (PCI) measures and good practices in the use of personal protective equipment”.

“All appropriate and necessary zoning to adequately contain infected residents” were also implemented, as well as identifying dedicated assistance teams to prevent staff movement, adds the CIUSSS spokesperson.

“CIUSSS personnel will be present on site for all the time necessary to guarantee the safety and care of users. This is the mandate of our teams wherever the strengthening of CIUSSS has been required, and this has been since the beginning of the pandemic, “says Annie Ouellet.

In an interview with SoleilOn Monday, the general manager of the Mallet Services Corporation said he was “perplexed” by the scale of the situation, while ensuring that the outbreak, still limited to the infirmary, was “stable and under control”. According to Jean M. Gagné, the first case was identified on Monday 16 November by employees.

No cases would have been identified in the autonomous section of the House after the massive screening, Gagné said. It is currently forbidden to go outdoors, except for medical reasons.

“The epidemiological investigation is ongoing [afin de déterminer comment le virus est entré dans la résidence]. Currently, our priority is to provide assistance to the sisters, in collaboration with CIUSSS ”, indicated the head of the Mallet Services Corporation.

The situation is obviously difficult for the sisters, but “knowing the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, they are resilient,” said Gagné.

It was not possible to speak on Monday with Sister Monique Gervais, Superior General of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec.

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