More hits on Teresa Guilherme – Paulo Abreu


1. Since returning to “Big Brother” by Cristina Ferreira, Teresa Guilherme has been a real punching bag. Now, due to her performance at the last gala, she was shocked by Marta Cardoso, TVI reality commentator: “At a gala, bias or lack of impartiality is something that costs me a lot. I think there is a way to deal with competitors that I, as a former competitor, cannot agree with. It hasn’t been once, twice or three times. It hasn’t been done well. Aware of being able to “risk the job” with these criticisms, he added: “If it helps to improve a little and the competitors are treated fairly, it has already paid off.”

Now, Teresa is 65 and has extensive TV experience, as a presenter, producer and director. One day they called her “queen of Reality show“and so it has remained until today. It is not perfect. On the contrary: it has a terrible shape, with so many defects in the middle. And it does not need defense lawyers. But, knowing that it has long since ceased to be controversial, certainly this He will still be silent or the questions on the subject will escape, as the war with Pipoca did with the protagonist, Cláudio Ramos.
My question is this, in the face of Marta Cardoso’s criticisms of Teresa Guilherme: who cares about this? TVI, which is so busy BB? Who wants to weaken the presenter and the format? My God, with so many enemies at home, SIC thanks this permanent rebellion in Queluz de Baixo.

2. I have heard several people speak ill of “Bem Me Quer”, the new TVI soap opera. Maybe because it looks good, maybe because that’s your opinion. Mine is this: recorded in Serra da Estrela and Aveiro, the plot by Maria João Mira, author of several hits in the station’s fiction, has a lot of potential. The cast – with young talents and more experienced actors, with beautiful people and media -, the text, the scenography and the production are interesting.
Is the story basic? Yes, like “Nazaré”, (still) a public phenomenon at SIC. After all, sometimes the best thing to do is uncomplicated.


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