More areas in England to put in stricter COVID restrictions: PM office


A sign is displayed outside Waterloo train station to remind people that they are required to wear face covers inside the station during the second coronavirus lockdown in London, England on November 20, 2020. / AP

A sign is displayed outside Waterloo train station to remind people that they are required to wear face covers inside the station during the second coronavirus lockdown in England, London on November 20, 2020. / AP

England will end a national COVID-19 blockade on December 2 and move into tighter regional restrictions than before, with more areas facing strong constraints to prevent the virus from reigniting, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s office said. .

Johnson ordered England a month-long lockdown in early November after infection cases and deaths began to rise again, angering companies and some members of his political party over the economic consequences.

A second wave of infections has begun to flatten, official data show, but science advisors are expected to warn Monday that previous regional restrictions haven’t gone far enough and tougher measures are needed to prevent another national blockade.

Johnson’s office said the prime minister would set up a new COVID winter plan on Monday, with more areas placed under the higher restrictions under the tiered system, which will include details on Christmas interactions.

He will discuss the plan with his cabinet on Sunday and present to parliament on Monday.

“The prime minister and his scientific advisors have made it clear that the virus is still present – and without regional restrictions it may soon get out of control again before the vaccines and mass testing have taken effect,” a spokeswoman said.

“This would jeopardize the progress made by the country, and once again would risk intolerable pressure on the National Health Service (NHS).”

On Saturday, the UK’s Treasury said Finance Minister Rishi Sunak is expected to announce a one-year package worth over £ 3 billion (approximately US $ 3.98 billion) to support the NHS in address the impact of the new coronavirus pandemic.

A woman walks past Christmas decorations in a shop window on Oxford Street during a second block in London on November 19, 2020. / AP

A woman walks past Christmas decorations in a shop window on Oxford Street during a second block in London on November 19, 2020. / AP

Britain suffered the worst death toll in Europe and the deepest economic contraction of any G7 nation, prompting sharp criticism of Johnson’s handling of the pandemic.

Before the last bloc, England had been split into three tiers, with the toughest measures being imposed in the north of England, where movement was limited and pubs were forced to close unless they sold hearty meals.

Ministers will announce which areas will be put in which tier Thursday under the new plan, with lawmakers able to vote on the system before it goes into effect. The levels will be examined.

The move is likely to encounter stiff resistance from some lawmakers who argue the country cannot afford to close shops and hospitality again after unemployment and debt numbers soared and economic output plummeted 20% in the year. second quarter.

The government has said the virus will overwhelm hospitals and paralyze the economy if left unchecked. The opposition Labor Party said a support package would be needed for any business that closes.

Meanwhile, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are also subject to various levels of restrictions, set by their respective local governments.

(With support from Reuters)

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