MontanaBlack: This woman is coming to the Twitch streamer’s new home


German Charlie Sheen …

MontanaBlack has moved into his new home in Buxtehude. Twitch streamer cannot part with a woman.

  • MontanaBlack had his dream in 2019 Haus satisfied (All MontanaBlack news).
  • In November 2020, the Twitch-StreamersMontanaBlack takes it out Buxtehude.
  • It has now been announced that the streamer is very special despite his move Mrs. cannot separate.

Buxtehude, Germany – Dreaming since childhood MontanaBlack from home life. Thanks to the huge Twitch success can the Streamer fulfill his wish and move Haus outside of Buxtehude. He leaves a lot behind, but he can’t part with this special woman. In an Instagram story of MontanaBlack now you can see how it’s done housekeeper spoiled the 32 year old.

Name and surname Marcel Thomas Andreas Eris
Known as MontanaBlack
birthday 02 March 1988
birth place Buxtehude
Follower on YouTube 2,690,000 (as of November 9, 2020)
Follower on Twitch 3.104.201 (from 9 November 2020)

MontanaBlack: Moving to a new home – Twitch streamer can’t leave this woman behind

MontanaBlack bought her home in 2019. Thanks ever since Streamer always with his community for their support. On Instagram it gives Streamer offers his fans regular little insights into his new life in Haus outside of Buxtehude. Due to many special requests from MontanaBlack the move into one’s home has been significantly delayed, but now it seems to be the time and the Streamer finally moves to his home.

His disturbed privacy tried MontanaBlack to realize your dream of owning your home. Now the annoying visits of many fans to the Address of the Streamers Be history. The Hauswhich strong MontanaBlack is equipped with a security system worth tens of thousands of euros to avoid an influx of fans. From now on Marcel Eris will do everything for this Address keep his new place of residence as secret as possible. Furthermore, with the purchase of the Home also a childhood dream for MontanaBlack it comes true that he had long dreamed.

MontanaBlack: Own Housekeeper – Twitch streamer is pampered

© dpa / RENSCH-HAUS GMBH / Diagentur / Instagram: MontanaBlack (editing)

MontanaBlack: Twitch streamer is pampered by his own housewife in his new home

Just before moving on to the new one Haus, MontanaBlack spoke of fear of moving and further panic attacks. In a live stream Contraction ago the Streamer ready: “I’m afraid of change“But much of that fear should be his own housekeeper now they have been taken. It was shown in an Instagram story Streamer Finally delighted to have someone to help him with domestic it helps.

You can see on Instagram MontanaBlack along with a woman who is a fan of the Streamers it should sound familiar. She calls herself “Agatha” and got up MontanaBlack in the past as a cleaner. So strict Twitch-Streamer now he separates himself from many things from his old apartment, he cannot leave Agatha behind. As a result, the 32-year-old reports that he is now a Full-time home help has set.

Agatha is now the right one housekeeper in the new Haus of the Streamers and it doesn’t just worry about that Haus to keep it clean, but also to spoil Marcel Eris with delicious food. Immediately to enter the new house MontanaBlack then from Agata who cooks a Bolognese for him. The popular Bolognese should be Streamer but it doesn’t taste good, he jokingly remarks: “Then there’s the unemployment benefit again” for the Housewife.

To the delight of housekeeper is MontanaBlack the Bolognese tasted the expert Streamer. Then also tried MontanaBlacks Dog Kylo a piece of Bolognese and seemed enthusiastic about the cooking skills housekeeper to be. This means that Agatha is doing her job MontanaBlack so he can keep and Marcel Eris will be spoiled with delicious food in the future, in view of the controversial culinary arts of Twitch-Stars probably a life-saving measure.

Heading list: © dpa / RENSCH-HAUS GMBH / pexels / Instagram: MontanaBlack (editing)

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