MontanaBlack: “Hitting a dog is property damage” – extremely angry streamer


MontanaBlack is a dog owner and loves his little “Kylo”. But there is a law in Germany that annoys Buxtehude’s Twitch streamer Marcel Eris.

  • MontanaBlack is known as a huge animal lover within his community (All MontanaBlack News).
  • MontanaBlack has a great bond with hers Kylo dog and titled it as his “son“.
  • Now the streamer is there Dog owners useful tips during a live stream on Twitch.

Buxtehude, GermanyMontanaBlack he is known in his community as a great lover of animals. In his Instagram-Storys you can see it Streamer always together with his beloved dog Kylo. Marcel Eris titled it “own son“And also decided because of Kylo against emigration from Germany. Well there MontanaBlack many fans Contraction helpful tips on how to use their files The dog should handle.

Name and surname Marcel Thomas Andreas Eris
Known as MontanaBlack
birthday 02 March 1988
birth place Buxtehude
Follower on YouTube 2,690,000 (as of November 9, 2020)
Follower on Twitch 3.104.201 (from 9 November 2020)

MontanaBlack: Twitch streamer is known as a great friend of animals

Prove again and again MontanaBlack his love for animals. The Streamer continues to tell his fans funny stories that he shared with his own Kylo dog expert. Among other things, MontanaBlack got a bite in the butt due to Kylo. However, Marcel Eris has opened live streaming Contraction ready: “Any pain would have been acceptable to me. ”

MontanaBlack also decided not to move out of Germany due to his Hundes Kylobecause he shares it with his ex-girlfriend LoveAnna. Despite the split, influencers still have a close relationship with Kylo. So has the dog of the Internet stars, with over 450,000 subscribers, also have their own Instagram account.

The deep bond of MontanaBlack to animals the Streamer proven again and again. Just recently, MontanaBlack showed several bags containing peanuts they were crammed. To this he says Streamer up Buxtehudethat bag full of peanutsin one month at the latest“He should be gone.

This fun costs money MontanaBlack more than “100 euros per month“But it does Streamer according to their own statements, a lot because “just a good feeling“It’s for him. Hence, animals should watch MontanaBlacks The surrounding area probably won’t care about your food in the foreseeable future. It still does MontanaBlack clear that if he “he has no money left“, is “only dry bread and water for the animals ” from.

MontanaBlack: Streamer offers dog owners helpful tips on Twitch

In a live stream Contraction started MontanaBlack recently tried hers Kylo dog. It was about the Streamer leaves a piece of sausage on his gaming chair e Kylo he does not eat it safely. However, this attempt failed miserably. Still given MontanaBlack its viewers advice like this theirs dogs I have to instruct.

A tip from MontanaBlack for each Dog owners that’s his dogas soon as he escaped, he shouldn’t punish. On the other hand, you should “Praise him for coming back to you. “According to Streamer there must always be a “have positive rewards“If the dog returns to owner. That has MontanaBlack in school for dogs learned that his ex-girlfriend “LoveAnna” would force him to do so.

Also it can MontanaBlack the German laws on the matter dogs not to understand. For example, he says Streamer: „If you hit a dog, it is property damage. You just have to imagine it, Digga. Because dogs are seen as objects. “

MontanaBlack: Twitch streamer shoots dog owners – “dear owner euthanize”

© Instagram: Kylethepugg / DPA: Philipp Schulze

MontanaBlack Above all, he denounces the wrong education of many in his statement Dog owners to. That’s what it says Streamerthat for example Fighting dogs nothing for any aggressive behavior. This is rather the education of Dog stands due.

Marcel Eris regrets this dogsI have to wash it and be asleep“When you attack a human. “Exaggerated“Represents MontanaBlack firmly that “not the dogs, but the people behind them“It should euthanize. According to Streamer learn the dogs makes their behavior from their owner and wrong education dogs to the “what you are after all“.

MontanaBlack: PS5 pre-order also makes streamer exciting – great demand from Sony

After Streamer had been angry at the behavior of many dog ​​owners, now he is also annoyed by the management of Sony. The PS5 manufacturer should that Streamer now I don’t want to send a console. MontanaBlack he had tried to use his fame to make a PlayStation console to take possession, but nothing came of it.

The Streamer he is currently in a difficult emotional situation. Now it remains to be seen if MontanaBlack in time for PS5 version on 19 November 2020 a Sony console receives. Currently look for that Thoroughbred streamer up Buxtehude probably bad.

List of sections: © Instagram: Kylethepugg / DPA: Philipp Schulze

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