Monero (XMR) Combats Crypto Mining malware through the new initiative called Monero Malware Response Workgroup


Monero plans to help users stay clean. During the past week, the Monero community has revealed the launch of a new website that aims to educate users to clean up malware and ransomware from encryption.

Monero faces the frustration and lack of knowledge of the victims

The privacy of Monero and the ease of its mining are two main characteristics of the currency, but the sad thing is that they attract bad actors.

The director of the Malware Response Workgroup, Justin Ehrenhofer, told CCN that two primary factors make XMR attractive to hackers.

He began by saying that "The attackers like Monero for two reasons: 1) is private, so they do not have to worry about the companies and the forces of the order that keep track of what they do with the Monero after discovering it.

The second factor to which it refers is "2) Monero uses a Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm that is compatible with CPU and GPU, therefore, the infected machines are competitive.These two components are increasingly important factors for the reason why the attackers choose to extract Monero from other cryptocurrencies. "

The use of cryptography in malware is not limited to Monero alone, as Bitcoin and other encrypted ones have also been used in the same digital attacks.

Ehrenhofer said the team behind Monero is creating a working group to help malware victims who do not necessarily know what Monero, mining or criptos are.

This is due to the greater prevalence of Monero malware.

The new Malware Response website will inform users about the various ways that can be used to prevent and remove malware.

The site also includes remedies for the three types of attacks that are used: browser-based mining scripts, system / PC based malware and ransomware.

The Monero community is against malware

Education plays a very significant role in the discovery and response to security breaches.

The technology and the Monero community do not support any kind of harmful activities involving money.

It is important to underline the fact that Monero himself and his community never attack computers, but these are attacked through vulnerabilities and hackers run data mining software on compromised systems.

Eduard Watson Author

A financial writer who has been an expert for over 10 years, an active observer in the industry and a gadget enthusiast.

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