Monero The price has expired – The currency is exchanged in the green Following (XMR) Deposits and withdrawals Reopening on Bithumb


Monero is finally exchanged in the green on CoinMarketCap. At the time of writing XMR is priced at $ 90.16 and the currency has a total market cap of $ 1,466,548,145 USD / 228,546 BTC.

Monero (XMR) deposits and withdrawals taken on Bithumb

This comes after the great news that Bithumb has decided to resume its XMR deposits and withdrawals together with more encryption operations.

The main crypt exchange platform in South Korea was compromised in June, but has managed to get back on track now.

Yesterday, Bithumb's representatives announced the following: "As the market prices of the two following cryptocurrencies, Monaco (MCO) and Monero (XMR) are stabilizing at prices below 10%, we will reopen the deposit services / levy for them on 14 August (Tuesday), 2018, at 15:00 KST. "

The platform actually envisaged reopening the Monero services (XMR) from the beginning of the month, but, unfortunately, due to of the high price difference and instability in the Monero market, Bithumb had to post the XMR operations on the platform until yesterday, August 14th.

Users wishing to deposit their Monero (XMR) holdings on Bithumb will have to use the new deposit addresses created by the cryptocurrency.

[19659002] Monero attacks to increase in 2019

In addition to this, there are also some bad news about the future of Monero, at least according to a recent report from Cyber ​​Threatscape.

It appears that hackers have enhanced the deployment of crypto-mining malware in 2018, but the crypto-jacking trend is set to increase further in 2019 with Monero (XMR) which is the main objective thanks to its privacy and anonymous properties of transactions.

According to the latest Cyber ​​Threatscape report, the 2019 cryptography jacking attack would be mine XMR.

The main reason for this is that XMR is currently the most popular and dominant privacy cryptocurrency and its privacy-related features make it ideal for crypto cyber-attacking attackers.

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