A new promotional video has been released from the superhero game Spider-Man: Miles Morales, due out next Thursday. Spider-Man: Miles Morales will be available for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 consoles on November 12, 2020.
The highly anticipated next-generation gaming console from Japan-based tech giant Sony PlayStation 5It will be released in our country starting from November 19, 2020. With very little time left to meet the players, the console offers many new games and games that are backward compatible. quit the game will take with it.
Adventure game developed by Insomniac Games Spider-Man: Miles Morales is one of the games that will be released with PlayStation 5. Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which will be the sequel to the Marvel’s Spider-Man game developed in 2018, with video output he showed himself together.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales I Trailer I PS5, PS4
The cinematic trailer, lasting about two minutes, gives us a taste of what awaits us in the new Spider-Man game. The long-awaited game history is described on the PlayStation website as follows:
“In Marvel’s latest adventure in the Spider-Man universe, young Miles Morales tries to keep up with his new home as he tries to follow in the footsteps of his master Peter Parker to become the new Spider-Man.
But when a violent force threatens to destroy his new home, our enthusiastic hero realizes that great power requires great responsibility. Miles must reclaim the role of Spider-Man to save Marvel’s entire New York City. “
Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the latest Spider-Man game, one of the popular PlayStation console series, November 12 will be released as one of the PlayStation 5 release games on and PlayStation 4 will also be available to users.
Sony has released a new promotional video for PlayStation 5
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is currently on PlayStation Store for PS5 and PS4 consoles Of 459 TL It can be pre-ordered at the price tag. Here By clicking on the link, you can go to the relevant page, learn more about the game and purchase the game.
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