Microsoft prepares a “light” version of Windows for cheap computers that will compete with Google’s Chrome OS


The “software” will dispense with the classic start menu, displaying the icons of tools and applications in the center of the screen.

Microsoft plans to release a simplified version of the Windows operating system early next year, specially adapted for computers with more modest components, reports the Windows Latest portal.

The ‘software’, called ‘Windows 10X’, is based on the Windos Core operating system – the launch of which is scheduled for spring 2021 – and the main novelty will be the absence of the classic Start menu button.

Instead, you will have a file modular user interface, with program and tool icons visible at all times in the center of the screen.

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In addition, the graphic appearance of buttons and other elements will replace the monochrome style in favor of more colorful designs, with more rounded corners and smooth lines.

This operating system is optimized for less expensive computers from only 4 GB of operational memory, although it will initially be installed in larger capacity devices.

Due to its characteristics, it should become a direct rival of Google’s Chrome OS operating system. And while the update primarily targets the education sector, advanced or corporate users will have access to cloud applications Cloud PC, synchronized with the package Office 365.

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