Microsoft and Nintendo congratulate Sony on PS5 launch –



The console is already available in some countries, but not yet in Portugal.

Earlier this week, Nintendo and Sony congratulated Microsoft on the launch of the Xbox Series X | Yes, and now it was Sony’s turn to launch its console, at least in some countries, such as the United States. THE official Xbox account said it is a “pleasure” to play alongside the PlayStation, meanwhile Phill Spencer he also decided to acknowledge the achievement of a console launch “in these troubled times”, referring of course to the pandemic.

Doug Bowser, president of Nintendo America, was a little more sober, preferring only to congratulate Sony on the launch of the PS5.

PlayStation 5 arrives in Portugal on November 19 in two formats: with a Blu-ray player for € 499.99 and without a Blu-ray player for € 399.99.

Microsoft and Nintendo congratulate Sony on the launch of the PS5

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