Michel Cymes warns against the traditional bowl of cereal


This Thursday, November 19th, we are looking at the bowl of cereal which is popular with many French people for breakfast. You know what General de Gaulle said: “How do you want to govern a country with more than 500 cheeses?” And he spread his arms as a sign of helplessness.

I think if the General were still in this world, he could adapt the formula to breakfast cereal. There are all shapes, all colors, all brands and all textures, organic and non-organic, complete or incomplete. There are so many that we don’t know which one to choose.

I am not going to advertise one or the other, but simply draw your attention to the production and especially processing conditions of this pillar of morning food.

The important word in all of this is “transformation”, which you are warned against. The more processed it is, the less good for your health. With cereal producers we are dealing with small secretions. On the package it is always possible to refer to the Nutriscore which is determined based on the number of calories, the content of saturated fatty acids, the presence of sugar, protein, fiber or fruit, but which does not take into account the degree of processing.

A skyrocketing glycemic index

Also, do you know why cereals are so crunchy? This is because we made sure they were ventilated. And if they are ventilated, it is because we have them previously heated and blown. We proceed by “cooking-extrusion”. In other words, we destroy the cereal matrix.

I’ll pass you the details but all of this causes high blood sugar, which causes the pancreas to produce insulin and ends with a push a few hours later. In short, you think you are swallowing slow sugars but in reality, you raise your glycemic index to the maximum.

I know teens love cereals. So we will not deprive them of it. However, it is necessary to go in small doses, knowing that in addition portions of 30 grams are recommended, while no teenager is not satisfied with 30 grams but is satisfied with double or triple.

So I recommend, first of all, to do some teaching with teenagers; by the way, good luck! Second, turn a little more towards oatmeal or cereal-based muesli. Last thing: if it says “no added sugar” on the package, it won’t hurt. Quick morning sugar, use it in fresh fruit instead.

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