Metallic asteroid that is worth 70,000 times more than the entire earth economy


A metallic asteroid in between planets Mars and Jupiter could be worth $ 10,000 trillion, which is 70,000 times more than the entire economy terrestriala.

A quadrillion has 1,000 trillion and the amount at which the asteroid was estimated would be written like this: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000.

The Hubble telescope took a closer look at the object space discovered over 150 years ago. It is made up of iron and nickel and hence its colossal value.

16 Psyche andit is one of the most massive objects in the asteroid belt orbiting Mars and Jupiter. It is located 368 million kilometers from Earth. A NASA spacecraft will arrive there in early 2026.

Most asteroids are made up of rocks and ice. But 16 Psyche – which has a diameter of 226 kilometers – is dense and mostly made of metal. It could be what remains of what is called a “protoplanet”, a planet that did not form and whose core was exposed due to repeated collisions that destroyed its mantle.

The new data comes from a study published by the Planetary Science Journal, in which researchers from the Southwest Research Institute first used ultraviolet light for observations.

Publisher: Luana Pavaluca


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