Mental and physical health benefits of walking for only 30 minutes a day



Mental and physical health benefits of walking for only 30 minutes a day

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“Covid-19” continues to spread around the world, and as winter approaches, attention increases the importance of maintaining our physical and mental health in light of the epidemic crisis.

One of the most effective ways you can get physical and mental benefits is by walking, as it can help us stay in good shape and also overcome boredom and even a bad mood.

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Walking for only half an hour five days a week is enough to meet the recommended weekly exercise goals, which specify that adults should do “at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week”.

What’s more, it’s also “an easy, low-impact activity that’s affordable for almost anyone,” explains Tombione Platt, of The Ramblers charity. “Regardless of your fitness level, walking is a great way to start getting fit,” continues Platt.

When the charity has gathered facts and data on how well you walk, “walking regularly at any speed” can do wonderful things for physical health, including anything that improves flexibility, the immune system, and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and some types From cancer.

In fact, their research found that “active people have a 40-50% lower risk of colon cancer than inactive people, and also a lower risk of breast and lung cancer.”

And if you want to reap the benefits further, you can try brisk walking, as brisk walking means “you should breathe a little faster, feel a little warm and feel your heart pounding”, and that it’s what benefits the heart and lungs AND blood pressure.

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And if that’s not enough for you to walk, Platt tells us there are a whole host of mental health benefits too, especially for those who enjoy walking in greenery. “There is growing evidence that spending time outdoors and connecting with the natural environment can help. It has a positive effect on mental health and is a good way to reduce stress, depression and fatigue.” In fact, a poll by The Ramblers and YouGov found that 89.9% of all respondents “agree that walking in nature or green spaces helps them relax.”

However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have an easily accessible green space to stroll around, as you’ll likely feel the benefits everywhere.

And according to The Ramblers association, physical activity like walking can help improve everything from sleep to mood, manage stress, anxiety and intrusive thoughts, improve self-esteem and reduce the risk of depression. With everything happening right now, this simple mood booster could be the perfect way to overcome the anxiety associated with “Covid-19”.

Source: Metro

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