Meet the most used legends in season 7


A Respawn Entertainment, the studio behind the Apex Legends, revealed which legends dominate player choices during season 7 of the game. If the first place is probably unsurprising, the truth is that what comes next may surprise you.

After asking players to guess the correct order of their use on the Twitter social network, asking players to rate the top five legends, Respawn returned a few hours later to confirm that the top five most used legends are Wraith, Bloodhound, Horizon , Octane and Lifeline.

The truth is, it’s surprising to see Octane on this list, as it doesn’t have a particularly impressive win rate. However, its unique perks can make it more fun to play, at least that’s what Respawn’s Daniel Klein suggests.

What are the most used legends in Apex Legends season 7?

Respawn recently hinted that he has big plans for Apex Legends, suggesting that “we’ll probably see the shooter become more than just Battle Royale”.

“At the moment, we are a Battle Royale game”, Apex Legends director Chad Grenier recently said. “I think if we look into the future, we’re going to have a lot of conversations about, you know, should we expand beyond Battle Royale? We have this list of legends that people love – how else can we use them? “

“I think looking ahead, you will probably see the game become more than just a battle game. You see we have it all [modos de tempo limitado] and other ways to play. I think it’s a great place to start. “

Apex Legends temporada 7

Season 7 of Apex Legends doesn’t just feature a new map, a new legend, and a new mode of transportation, as according to your study, this season is much more than that.

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