Meet the 4 most pessimistic and selfish signs of the zodiac


These zodiac signs struggle to see the positive side of life, they tend to give more importance to the negative aspects, stay away from them! That don’t infect you with their pessimism.

Do you surround yourself with people who complain about everything? o Have you noticed that some people are more pessimistic than others? Surely it’s because your zodiac sign has a strong vibration in them or maybe it’s part of their nature that you don’t know. In these lines we tell you the 4 most pessimistic and selfish signs of the zodiac.

There are people who have a hard time seeing the good things in life and give more importance to the negative aspects that surround them. Something that in the eyes of others could be lucky, even if they find it wrong and find a way to make it unlucky.

More pessimistic and selfish zodiac signs

It is not that these people are surrounded by bad energies and even though they are going through deep sadness or depression, their pessimism is more focused on their personality and how hard it is for them to enjoy the good times that life offers.

According to the stars these are the 4 zodiac signs that are pessimistic and that the bad mood attacks the most Do you know anyone of this sign?


Those born under the sign of Cancer are melancholy and nostalgic people, which makes them always stay with their pessimism. They refuse to leave the past as they are unable to react in the present. Expectations are not created so that nobody disappoints them.

They always think that everything will go wrong, so they never try hard to make big plans. Although Cancer loves to daydream, they never get what they want.


Virgo people tend to be pessimistic and tend to regret when things don’t go their way. Virgo loves being a leader or at least always wants to. One of the qualities of this sign is that they are very temperamental when they are pessimistic and this bad mood only brings negative charges to them.

Their bitter temper changes when they get everything they want, becoming sweet, loving and friendly people.


For the stars, Scorpio is considered one of the most pessimistic signs of the zodiac. They face the truth, no matter how cruel and harsh it may be. They are very brave and nonconformists, in fact, when they don’t get what they wanted they are often disappointed.

Scorpio people show their pessimism in moments of greatest pressure, if you know someone of this sign it will be difficult to know their pessimistic attitude.


The characteristics that make a Capricorn person stand out are their responsibility and discipline. Negativity envelops a Capricorn when they feel overwhelmed. They are afraid of facing challenges and this makes them see things from a different perspective.

Because they are very well organized and planned people when things fail, they become hard on themselves. They keep the bad mood from taking over, but it is very difficult for them.

More pessimistic and selfish zodiac signs


Pisces is one of the most negative signs of the entire horoscope, at times its pessimism has nullified the opportunities that sometimes arise. The lack of self-confidence and self-confidence and the negativity that surrounds him lead him to lose many possibilities for development and growth.

This sign of the zodiac tends to scold itself for what ends up taking it on the path of bitterness and pessimism.


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