Mayar Al-Beblawi reveals the developments in his health after his discharge from the hospital


Cairo – is

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 – 4:35 am

Mayar Al-Beblawi, the Mu’tazila actress, revealed the latest developments in her health after a stint in intensive care at a hospital in America and posted her first post after leaving the hospital.

Mayar Al-Beblawi’s first comment after his discharge from the hospital

Mu’tazila Mayar Al-Beblawy artist posted his first comment after discharge from the hospital and revealed the developments in his health in the current period and said on his Facebook account: “Oh God, praise be to God. , so leave half an hour and get out of the hospital and come home, but I am not yet allowed to travel because of my leg. How about your invitations besides God’s healing judgment, complete your healing on of me .. Do not forget the goodness of your pleas so that I give back what I have been missing. “

Mayar Al-Beblawy reveals the developments in his health

Mayar Al-Beblawi prepares to return to Cairo from America, after leaving the hospital, and indicated that he is waiting for the end of the treatment phase until his return, after the public has worried about his condition. health in the last period, due to her deteriorating condition and her transfer to the ICU earlier this month, and stayed there for days before To be discharged from the ICU and moved to a regular hospital room Hospital.

Ibn Mayar Al-Beblawi recently revealed new details about his mother’s health condition after she was transferred to the hospital and told him in a Facebook comment: “The best news I heard today is this … My girlfriend she left the intensive care unit and stayed in a room and heard his voice. ” In the next period as soon as his health improves.

Mayar Al-Beblawy reveals the truth about his infection with Corona

Mayar Al-Beblawy raised speculation about her health condition because she did not disclose details of her condition, which led to speculation that she was infected with the Coronavirus, but her son also denied this, and said in a comment to him. on Facebook: “Please mom, I’m not surprised by Corona even though I’m not afraid.” In recent years, Mayar Al-Beblawi has been exposed to more than one health crisis that went into hospital, including her surgery in 2018 that didn’t reveal her nature, and her heart surgery at a Los Angeles hospital. at the end of 2017, it was reported that Mayar al-Beblawy was born in the Governorate of Assiut in Egypt in 1975, and began acting in 1992 through the series “Imam Abu Hanifa al-Nu`man” and the film “My wife and the wolf “. Thereafter, her dramatic assignments followed, until she retired from art and donned the veil years ago.

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