Matcha tea, effective in increasing immunity and burning calories


A cup of matcha tea offers many health benefits

1. Stimulates the metabolism

Matcha tea stimulates the metabolism and contributes to excess weight loss. A recent study showed that people who regularly consume this tea lose weight 25% faster than those who do not consume it. It is gratifying that the tea has no side effects and does not increase blood pressure or heart rate.

2. It has anti-cancer effects

Matcha tea contains epigallocatechins (EGCG), substances considered among the most powerful and effective antioxidants. EGCG gives tea strong cancer fighting properties and also kills free radicals. Experts claim that this Japanese tea contains around a hundred times more active substances than any other tea marketed.

3. It is a powerful energizer

Like all green teas, matcha also contains caffeine. A cup of hot tea can keep energy levels high for a few hours.

4. Has anti-aging effects

Matcha tea has strong properties to prevent premature aging, thanks to its high antioxidant content. Matcha tea also protects against ultraviolet radiation and prevents skin diseases.

5. Detoxifies

This ancient tea contains chlorophyll which detoxifies and removes chemicals and heavy metals from the body. Experts suggest having a cup or two of tea a day, in the morning and in the afternoon.

How to make matcha tea

The dried leaves of green tea (Camellia sinensis) are ground with stone millstones to obtain a very fine powder. The green tea leaves used for matcha are of excellent quality and only the tops of the plant are harvested, after it has been in the shade of bamboo mats for three weeks.

Good to know!

  • One cup of matcha is nutritionally equivalent to 10 cups of classic infused green tea
  • When matcha tea is consumed, the entire green tea leaf is actually ingested, so nothing is lost of its nutritional potential.
  • Matcha powder has 137 times more antioxidants than classic infused green tea
  • This powder contains 20 times more antioxidants than berries and pomegranates.
  • Contains catechins (especially EGCG, which are also found in cocoa), organic compounds that help prevent cancer, diabetes and stroke

Opinions of experts on the super qualities of the plant:

Boosts metabolism and burns calories; is a natural detoxifier; calm the mind and relax the body; the plant is rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins; improves mood and strength of concentration; it is a good source of vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, chromium and selenium; prevents many diseases; lowers cholesterol and blood sugar; contains more antioxidants than goji berries, broccoli, spinach, acai berries, pomegranate, red wine, or dark chocolate.

How to make matcha tea and how to administer it

Matcha tea is very easy to prepare, similar to ness (instant coffee). One detail is important: this tea must be prepared in a ceramic or porcelain bowl and the dough must be made not with a teaspoon, but with a mini-tel or a bamboo broom or other natural fibers. If we make circular movements for crema ness or instant coffee, in the case of matcha tea the movement will be zigzag. After adding the water, we will get a raw green drink, with a slightly pungent smell, very energizing. Morning coffee can be replaced with a cup of matcha tea.

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