Marcelo decrees a state of emergency and admits the third vacancy between January and February


Five patients and two health professionals from the Portuguese Institute of Oncology (IPO) in Porto tested positive for covid-19, being “in isolation and with all the necessary safety measures for this type of situation”, the institution revealed today. .

In a written response sent to the Lusa agency, the IPO of Porto states that “five patients and two health professionals positive for covid-19 have been identified, all related to the 8th floor of building A [cirurgia]”.

In the note, signed by the board of directors, the IPO of the Port states that “yesterday the first case was detected [quinta-feira] in a patient who exhibited fever and suspected respiratory symptoms ”.

“A second patient admitted to this plan was tested in the context of a routine action as preparation for the diagnostic procedure.”

“As both tests were positive for covid-19 and for patients on an equal footing, it was immediately decided to test all patients, as well as the professionals they contacted, in close cooperation between the Infection Control Commission. ( GCL-PPCIRA) and the Office of Occupational Medicine “, describes the institute.

Following this test, the cases of three other patients and two professionals were identified.

“The remaining analyzes of the patients and professionals of that plan are ongoing,” adds the IPO, ensuring that “this patient group is isolated with all necessary safety measures recommended for this type of situation.”

The Porto IPO adds that “procedures are already underway for the transfer of patients to hospital units in the area of ​​residence, where they will be followed until they meet the conditions to continue their treatment or follow-up to the IPO of Porto “and that” the investigation into the potential links between the detected cases is underway, in order to identify the origin of this outbreak ”.

Underlining, moreover, that “the identification of these cases results from the active and permanent strategy of attention to the covid-19 pandemic and from the measures put in place since the beginning to guarantee the safety of patients and professionals”, the institute underlines that “will continue best clinical practices for their patients, who must maintain confidence in the competence and dedication of professionals in this pandemic situation.”

The covid-19 pandemic has already caused more than 1.3 million deaths worldwide since December last year, including 3,762 in Portugal.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.

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