Marc Anthony also reacted when he saw how young and beautiful JLo was in this photo


Marc Anthony and Jennifer López have a lot of chemistry, even though they haven’t worked as a couple, they have proven to have a great friendship for the sake of the children.

Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez They were one of the most loved couples by the Hispanic public, after their official separation they kissed on stage and after this they expressed that they already feel like brothers and that they have a good relationship for the well-being of their children.

Now, after a while Marc Anthony as Jennifer Lopez They have different directions in their life, the media continues to see that there is a little more left than this couple, sometimes they see themselves very close and not just because they have children in common.

So with this photograph that Jennifer Lopez He uploaded to his Instagram account a few days ago, certainly the singer Marco Antonio he is mesmerized and perhaps even regrets having ended his relationship with the Bronx Diva.

Needless to say Jennifer Lopez She is a beautiful woman and any man would fall in love with her charm, in one of the photos we see her on a bed with a slightly open striped shirt and black boots unbuttoned and shiny.

In the meantime, if you go to the next photo carousel image in the posting on your Instagram account, Jennifer Lopez She is leaning against a cart in a classic black dress and a winter jacket that matches her brown boots.

Finally the years do not pass Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony does not stop admiring its beauty, there may still be a heart between these two, but everyone will continue to wait to see how the story unfolds.


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