Manelist Adrian Minune, heard by the investigators of organized crime in a usury case: “I don’t know, dad, where. I’m waiting for the car to pick me up “


sources Antenna 3 shows that the manelist has the quality of a witness in a case in which several members of a Brăila crime network are under criminal investigation for usury and blackmail.

Initially he was searched in his house, but he was not found and the police contacted him by telephone indicating a BCCO (Organized Crime Brigade) office where to present himself, a variant with which Adrian Simionescu declared that agreement.

The case in which he was called for questioning was initiated after several victims filed a complaint.

The action in Bucharest is corroborated by several searches of the homes of the people involved in the crimes of the case.

Adi Miracle, first reactions

The singer said he was surprised at his call-up by investigators, sources show Antenna 3.

He said the organized crime officers want to know if the manelist has “a friend who gives money with usury.”

“They called me for the hearing, I don’t know, Dad, where.

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