Mamma mia, Loren is back – finally!


In Italy, La Loren is a kind of state saint. Things had calmed down lately for the cheekily beautiful Roman woman. For the youngest son, he dares to return to the screen in “You Have Life Before You”. Luckily!

With the drama “You have life in front of you” Sophia Loren dares to return to the screen at the age of 86. Why not, when you have the energy you need, are you still a wonderfully beautiful lady and can you make a movie with your offspring?

So said Sofia Villani Scicolone (as Loren is called in real life) and mimics Madame Rosa, a Holocaust survivor. It is a childhood in a typical coastal town in southern Italy. Rosa has a big and sick heart, but she has no money in her wallet. Every month there is a new struggle for survival. Scenes from Italy today – as real and overwhelming as the astronomical national debt.

To make matters worse, Rosa is stolen from street boy Momo, 12, at the market. When her family doctor later appears and asks for a place for the teenage Mohamed aka Momo, she angrily refuses.

But Madame Rosa doesn’t have the courage to leave the boy at home and gives him space in her small apartment. And in his life. It’s not an easy deal, because Momo misses his happy mother and feels alone. He rebels. To earn money, he starts selling drugs. He will do it a spaciatore, a reseller as they are called in Italy. Momo dreams of a different, better life. “Some say that everything is written and nothing can be changed. I want to change everything, I want to go back to the beginning, when nothing was written », he reflects at the beginning of the drama.

And is there a happy ending for Momo? Much is not revealed here. Because it is worth watching “You have life ahead of you” and experiencing how two loners from different worlds slowly approach and become a small unconventional family.

Does it sound a bit melodramatic, almost kitschy? It’s also birebitz, but director Edoardo Ponte manages not to make the drama seem too superficial. There, where the border runs abruptly to kitsch cinema, it still has the curve.

And to the question of my esteemed colleague Bruno Bötschi: is the experienced actress’s latest film the best because she has nothing left to lose?

There is a clear answer to this question: unfortunately not. But a moving story that makes you feel good. Sophia Loren is and remains great! Grace Sophia!

“You Have Life Before You” runs on Netflix.

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