Make Covid vaccines mandatory in Belgium? “This possibility shouldn’t be ruled out too quickly …”


For Georges Dallemagne, without group immunity, we risk thousands more deaths in Belgium.

The announcement of the imminent arrival of two vaccines launches a wave of hope with a view to a finally effective fight against Covid-19. And it already faces the fear of part of the population in the face of the vaccine.

With this in mind, Georges Dallemagne, deputy CDH and physician trained in epidemiology, produced a summary table comparing the effectiveness of different vaccines. It includes the two candidate anti-Covid vaccines closest to being ready: Pfizer’s, whose phase 3 shows efficacy to “more than 90%” in the participants (according to the full results of their large-scale clinical study published Wednesday, the effectiveness is as high as 95%), but also that of Moderna, 94.5% effective. But he also compared the results of these two vaccines with those of seasonal influenza, smallpox, measles, tetanus, tuberculosis and whooping cough vaccines.

Why such a comparison? To prove that theisThe data released on the anti-Covid vaccine is excellent news! […]”

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